How to water seedlings with hydrogen peroxide

Growing vegetables and berries, flowers for many gardeners is not only a hobby, but also a way to replenish the family budget. That is why they pay a lot of attention to getting healthy and strong seedlings. Many gardeners use 3% peroxide for seeds and seedlings.

Water after dissolving peroxide (peroxide) in it is similar in composition to melt or rainwater. That is why it is very useful for the proper development of plants. The methods of using a pharmacy antiseptic for seeds, seedlings of various crops during the growing season will be discussed in the article.

Can plants be watered

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide for plants have been studied for a long time. Experts believe that systematic watering or spraying of plants with a solution has a positive effect on the development of garden crops:

  • the root system is healed and strengthened;
  • plants get sick less, as their immunity increases;
  • treatment of seedlings with hydrogen peroxide nourishes plants and at the same time disinfects the soil.

So you can water the plants with a pharmacy product, but only 1-2 times a week.

Use of funds

Peroxide is essentially a natural pesticide and fungicide, a growth promoter and oxygenator. Chemical formula H2O2. It is very similar to water molecules (H2O), but with only two oxygen atoms. Namely, this is the composition of melt and rainwater after a thunderstorm.

Attention! Due to the presence of this "extra" oxygen atom, hydrogen peroxide for feeding seedlings, according to gardeners, acts as a disinfectant, oxidizer and aerator.

The second oxygen atom contained in peroxide is able to detach from the molecule and enrich plants and soil with oxygen. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are intensified, the plants begin to feed intensively.

The presence of a redox reaction of hydrogen peroxide promotes the oxidation of nitrates and nitrites. Once in the soil, peroxide restores the salts of manganese and iron necessary for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other crops.

Seed peroxide

When treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, the seeds are disinfected, dormant cells wake up in them, and seedlings appear quickly and amicably. Seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries grown from such seeds have good immunity, they tolerate transplantation, temperature changes more easily, and, most importantly, they get sick less often. As a result, healthy plants produce a rich harvest of organic fruits and berries.

Any seeds can be processed in a peroxide solution. Particular attention should be paid to the seed, the quality of which is not sure, as well as the seed, the seedlings of which have to wait for a long time.

What is the reason for the tightness of the similarity:

  1. Seeds of pumpkin and watermelons, cucumbers and zucchini, beets and tomatoes, peppers have a hard shell.
  2. The seeds of dill and parsley, carrots and parsnips, Shabo cloves and begonias, and other flowers have a high content of essential oil.

Once in the peroxide solution, the seeds lose inhibitors and essential oils, thereby accelerating the germination process. To soak the seeds, use the following composition: for 500 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of peroxide. After soaking, the seeds are washed in clean water, dried and sown in seedling boxes.

Seeds of tomatoes, peppers, beets and eggplant are soaked in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours.The rest for about 12 hours.

Advice! Seeds that sprout hard, experts recommend first soaking them for half an hour in plain water to slightly soften the shell.


When growing seedlings of vegetables and flowers, not only seeds are prepared. You need to process containers and soil. It's no secret that the soil contains disease spores and harmful bacteria, as well as insect larvae. Hydrogen peroxide is also used to disinfect the soil and containers for seedlings, regardless of whether the soil was bought in a store or compiled independently.

One bottle of a pharmaceutical product is dissolved in 4 liters of water. It is necessary to water the soil a few days before sowing seeds or planting seedlings in order to make up for the lack of oxygen. It is advisable to treat the beds with peroxide after harvesting.

Practical use

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, strawberries, as well as for growing flowers:

Peroxide for tomatoes

Gardeners in the reviews note that they use hydrogen peroxide for tomato seedlings. For watering and spraying use a solution of two liters of water and 4 tablespoons of peroxide. With this solution, you can water tomato seedlings every week.

Bushes of adult plants grown in open or protected ground are also sprayed with a peroxide solution after 10 days. For 2 liters of water, 30 ml of a pharmaceutical preparation will be required. This is not just feeding tomatoes, but also an effective means of combating pathogenic microflora on leaves, fruits and soil.

In the reviews, gardeners write that tomato seedlings and adult plants respond well to peroxide feeding. Sluggish, weak seedlings can be watered with hydrogen peroxide in the proportion: 20 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. Plants quickly grow green mass, flowers and ovaries do not crumble.


You can feed with a peroxide solution not only tomatoes, but also peppers, eggplants. They are also watered and sprayed.

For feeding seedlings of peppers A solution is prepared with 3% peroxide based on one liter of water and 20 drops of a pharmacy product. Seedlings are watered under the root or sprayed no more than once every seven days.

Change the concentration of the solution for watering peppers seedlings not necessary. After all, a high dose of peroxide can destroy the delicate root system. And instead of beneficial to the plants, harm will be done.

The grown seedlings of pepper are constantly watered with peroxide. At this stage of development, a solution is prepared from one liter of water and 2 ml of peroxide with frequent watering. If the plants are rarely watered, then 2 tablespoons of the product are added per liter of water.

Peroxide against disease

Solanaceous crops, in particular tomatoes and peppers, suffer from fungal diseases. 3% peroxide also helps to cope with this problem, since the pharmacy is an antiseptic.

To do this, you need to prepare a solution of 25 ml of peroxide and one liter of warm water. Spray the stems and leaves of tomatoes and peppers with this composition.

The scourge of nightshade crops is late blight. For processing, you can prepare a solution from pharmaceutical preparations: add a few drops of iodine and 35 ml of peroxide to a liter of water.

Before spraying, it is necessary to remove leaves and fruits affected by late blight. Plants need to be processed until the disease recedes.


Gardeners in the reviews note the beneficial effect of hydrogen peroxide on the development and fruiting of cucumber seedlings. A solution from a pharmacy product not only disinfects the soil, but is also a good top dressing.

Before sowing, you can soak cucumber seeds in a solution of peroxide. The recipe for making water with peroxide is simple: dissolve 25 ml of a 3% pharmaceutical product in 500 grams of water and immerse the seeds in it. This treatment awakens the seed, feeds it with oxygen and kills the disease causing bacteria.

For watering and spraying cucumber seedlings, a tablespoon of peroxide is diluted in one liter of clean water.For the treatment of adult plants, more solution is prepared: 10 tablespoons of the product are poured into a ten-liter bucket of water.

Cucumbers are processed in the evening or in the morning before sunrise so that the leaves do not get burned. Plants are sprayed not only from above, but also the inside of the leaf and the stem.

Attention! Before watering, you need to loosen the ground, make a groove away from the roots.


Strawberries, like other garden plants, can be treated with peroxide:

  1. In the spring, you need to shed soil to prevent fungal diseases. The proportions of the solution are 1000 ml of water, 5 tablespoons of the 3% product.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide for seedlings and adult strawberry bushes is used for spraying plants from spring and during the growing season. This saves plantings from gray mold and other strawberry diseases, as well as from pests.
  3. 2 tablespoons of peroxide are diluted in 1000 ml of water. This solution is used on garden strawberries all season, spraying plantings after 7-10 days.

The pharmaceutical product does not harm insects and humans. Berries can be harvested a few hours after processing.


Growing seedlings of flowers, gardeners try to feed them with various fertilizers. But this procedure is not always harmless. Ignorance of agricultural technology can destroy delicate plants.

Peroxide, a medicine for disinfecting wounds, is harmless compared to mineral fertilizers, but the result is excellent. In a peroxide solution, you can soak seeds, spray seedlings.

Warning! Petunia seedlings cannot be watered with a peroxide solution under the root, only spraying is possible.

Peroxide working solution for feeding petunias consists of 1000 ml of water, two tablespoons of the drug. Spraying the seedlings produces healthy, lush flowering plants.

Peroxide from diseases and pests

Peroxide is used for spraying flowers and herbs as a preventive measure against diseases and pests. To do this, take:

  • 3% peroxide - 50 ml;
  • medical alcohol - 2 tablespoons;
  • liquid hand soap - 3 drops;
  • water - 900 ml.

Such a composition helps to get rid of aphids, scale insects, mealy worms, black leg... With a solution prepared immediately before work, it is necessary to carefully process not only the leaves, but also the stems.


Gardeners have been using peroxide for a long time and note that the agent has a positive effect on garden and garden plants. Although there is one contraindication.

Sometimes on the store soil, after watering and spraying peppers, tomatoes, strawberries and other crops, white spots may appear, somewhat reminiscent of mold. In this case, watering must be stopped, leaving only periodic spraying.

If such a problem arises on the soil prepared independently, then both watering of the plants and spraying are temporarily stopped.


Hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price, is similar in properties to potassium permanganate. That is why, when growing seedlings of various garden plants, you can use this tool, abandoning chemicals.

The tool is used not only for soaking seeds, watering and spraying seedlings and adult plants, but also for treating the soil before planting plants. The peroxide solution can be watered in the open field, in the greenhouse.

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent product for rinsing greenhouse surfaces and treating pots before planting.

Gardeners' opinion

Stanislav, 36 years old, Moscow region
I am not a gardener, I have no craving for the ground. But at the request of my grandmother, I am always looking for something new about growing plants. In winter I read about the effect of hydrogen peroxide on seedlings of vegetables and flowers. I told my grandmother about him. She said that she has been using this pharmaceutical preparation for a long time for peppers, tomatoes, flowers. He speaks of him with admiration.

Lyudmila, 43 years old, Birobidzhan
I have been using peroxide for many years. Plants develop faster, practically do not get sick, the yield is much larger than on untreated bushes. The cost of the drug is low, but the result is awesome. The main thing is not to overdo it, then everything will be fine.

Polina, 55 years old
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the favorite means for watering and spraying seedlings. In a solution, I disinfect the seeds before sowing. Shoots appear quickly, amicably. I process strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage with a solution of 3% peroxide. They grow by leaps and bounds. I advise you to try at least a few bushes so that you have something to compare with. I am sure that you will like the result, take the drugstore "into service".

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