
Garden crops, fruit trees and shrubs are susceptible to disease. The worst enemy is rot-causing fungus. Fungicides are considered the best drugs for disease control. One of them is Fundazol - an effective agent in all climatic zones.

Distinctive characteristics of the drug

Gardeners, as well as gardeners of all regions, use the drug Fundazol. The fungicide is active regardless of climatic conditions. Several features are distinguished in the characteristics of the drug:

  • The active substance functions over a wide temperature range. This makes it possible to use the fungicide Fundazol for soil treatment, as well as plantings from early spring to late autumn.
  • The absence of phytotoxicity allows gardeners to use the drug without fear of damaging the soil and plants.
  • The action of the fungicide begins upon contact with any part of the plant. The active substance quickly spreads through the cells, creating a protective barrier against pathogens.
  • A fungicide is more effective on plants when spraying the soil. The drug is absorbed by the roots, spreads along the stem, leaves, inflorescences.

Despite the absence of phytotoxicity, the dosage should be observed. An overabundance of fungicide will not be beneficial.

Drug action

The main composition of the drug foundationazol is the active ingredient benomyl. Thanks to this component, the drug has the following capabilities:

  • After the drug enters the plant, the reproduction of the fungus stops. Fundazole prevents the division of spores at the cellular level.
  • The active substance inhibits spider mites, as well as their larvae.
  • Benomil prevents leaf beetle larvae from developing to an adult.
  • Fundazole destroys small parasite worms, preventing them from multiplying on the plant.

The broad spectrum of action helps to heal plants from common diseases.

Attention! If you ask yourself whether Fundazol or Fitosporin is better, then again you need to pay attention to the purpose of the drugs. Fundazole is considered to be stronger, but it is an effective remedy for fungus and rot. Fitosporin is the best defense against bacterial diseases.


For Fundazol, the instructions for use state that the fungicide is used to treat almost all garden and horticultural crops. The product can be sprayed or watered:

  • flowers with the manifestation of spotting or powdery mildew;
  • fruit trees with the manifestation of crop rot, scab, and also as protection against powdery mildew;
  • berry bushes, strawberries and other crops suffering from berry rotting;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers growing in open or closed ground;
  • cabbage is watered at the root in case of keel disease;
  • potatoes with Fundazole are treated for treatment and prevention;
  • flower and garlic bulbs are soaked in Fundazole solution before planting.

For each culture, its own dosage and optimal processing method are calculated, which is reflected in the instructions for the fungicide.

Attention! Novice gardeners are often interested in the question of how to replace Fundazol at home if the drug is not on sale? A good substitute would be Ferazim or Derozal. Excellent results are shown by the drug Vitaros and Trichodermin. In extreme cases, activated charcoal tablets are suitable.

Instructions for the use of the fungicide

Usually, gardeners in the instructions for the use of the fungicide Fundazol are interested in how much water to dilute the drug with. Each type of treatment has its own dose, which is displayed on the package of the drug. On average, 20 g of dry matter is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

According to the instructions, Fundazol is used to spray the aboveground parts of plants or water the soil. Seeds and bulbs can be soaked in solution before planting. Spraying or watering with a working solution is carried out twice a season. In the heat, the active substance of Fundazole works more actively than in the cold. A warm, windless day is chosen for processing plantings. The second fungicide treatment is carried out no earlier than three weeks later. It is this time that the protective effect of the drug lasts.

When looking for an answer to the question, an analogue of Fundazol or how to replace it, it is worth finding out the compatibility of the fungicide with other drugs. This list can include two items:

  • preparations with a neutral reaction to aqueous solvents;
  • most drugs that include pesticides and fertilizers that affect plant growth.

Fundazol is categorically incompatible with solutions containing a lime or alkaline medium. The active ingredient of the fungicide is poorly in contact with a group of drugs based on benzimidazole or thiophanate.

Processing with working solution of garden and horticultural crops

Continuing the review of the drug Fundazol, instructions for use, we will consider examples of using the working solution for different cultures:

  • Cabbage is treated with Fundazol to prevent a dangerous disease with keel. The solution is poured over the soil before planting seedlings. Consumption is approximately 5 l / 10 m2.
  • From powdery mildew, instructions for using Fundazol for cucumbers or tomatoes says that you need to prepare a solution of 5 g of fungicide and 5 liters of water. Spray the green mass twice a season. The last treatment is carried out 7 days before picking cucumbers and 14 days before picking tomatoes.
  • Potato tubers are treated for prophylaxis before planting. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 20 g of dry powder. The dose is about 20 tubers.
  • Fruit stone fruit trees are treated with Fundazol from rot, scab and powdery mildew. Five sprays are allowed per season during the epidemic. The solution is prepared from 10 l of water and 10 g of powder. The approximate consumption for a small tree is 2 liters, for a large tree - at least 5 liters. The first time is sprayed until the color is ejected. The last treatment is about three weeks before harvest.
  • Berry bushes, strawberries, grapes are sprayed with a solution of the same consistency as for fruit trees. The first processing is performed before the color appears. The second time is sprayed after picking the berries. The approximate consumption of the solution is 1.5 l / 10 m2.
  • Using Fundazole for garlic or gladioli involves soaking the bulbs in the solution for 2 hours before planting.
  • Flowers, mainly roses, are sprayed when spotted on the leaves. Up to four treatments are performed per season.

Depending on the dosage, processing method and type of crop, the protective effect of the fungicide lasts 1-3 weeks.

Orchid processing

Fundazol is well suited for decorative plants grown in a room. Fungicide is a lifesaver for orchids. The flower is often susceptible to fungal diseases, which appear on the leaves as well as stems. The first sign is a strong softening of the green mass, which is unusual for a flower.

If an ailment is detected, the orchid is urgently treated with a Fundazol solution. Severely affected areas may not heal and will start to turn black. Leaves and stems are cut with a sharp knife, and the cut site is poured with Fundazole solution.

At the initial stage, the orchid can be saved by transplanting it into any transparent container, for example, a plastic jar. Instead of soil, use a mixture of dry substrate with foam crumbs.After transplanting, watering is carried out only with a fungicide solution. From above, the green mass of the orchid is not sprayed. Drainage holes must be drilled in the bottom of the can to prevent root decay.

The video tells about the benefits and dangers of Fundazol for orchids:

Safety measures when working with fungicide

In terms of danger to humans, Fundazol belongs to the second class. The fungicide will not cause much harm to birds, animals and insects. Spraying of plantings is carried out in overalls. It is important to cover the respiratory organs with a respirator or gauze bandage. Goggles are required when spraying tall trees.

At the end of the work, all outer clothing is removed in a designated place, away from sources of drinking water and food. If Fundazole gets into the eyes, the organs of vision are washed under running water for 10 minutes. The face is thoroughly washed with soap. In case of accidental ingestion of a fungicide into the digestive system, the first step is to wash the stomach, and then immediately call a doctor.

Keep the drug away from children. The remaining solution is discarded. The powder is stored in its original packaging. The place is chosen cool, dry, without direct sunlight.


Reading instructions for use about Fundazol, gardeners' reviews help to better know the drug. Reveal its positive and negative qualities.

Fundazol saved the orchid at home. The rot instantly spread over the leaves. She did not hesitate. I cut off each limp and darkened leaf. The dry powder was soaked with water to a gruel state and lubricated each cut. A week after the start of treatment, part of the stem had to be removed, but the main flower was saved. Now the orchid is slowly beginning to come to life.
I have not tried Fundazol on garden crops. So far I manage with folk remedies, as I'm afraid of chemistry. I saved the flower with a fungicide. A beautiful orchid was presented for my birthday. A month later I saw withering leaves. In order to prevent the death of the plant, I decided to immediately transplant it into a plastic bucket, filling the roots with foam crumbs. After sprinkling with fungicide, the plant came to life. Soon I will transplant back into my own pot.
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